Friday, May 4, 2012

Going to be having a HUGE Print Book Giveaway!!!


As soon as my Arrival of the Prophecy books come in, I will be having a Print Book Giveaway Contest with a few of my author friends putting in their print books as well. I already have two in from Scotland from Author Nicola Ormerod, and one will be personally sent from Author Edward McKeownBrian Hartman has just added a book! I will also be giving away a print copy of my Dark Knight of the Skye. Author Troy Lambert has joined the fun! And now we have Christie Silvers!!! Rue Volley has joined the fun with 2! Deborah Noel has joined us as well. As well as Robin R. Longley. Jaidis Shaw is now in with the rest of us with her brand new release~Ellen McKinney, Unay Umaphia , Tonya Tee Michelle,  Kristie Cook. Have also joined in on the Summer Bash Giveaway! Alysha Ellis has joined in on the fun, and she has put 3 prints in the basket!!! Carol and Tom Phipps is coming to the party~Brenda Woody and Steve Tindle another wonderful couple c0-author has joined us!

I will be adding names to this blog post as the authors come in!!! So far we have 24 print books in the giveaway basket~I will add all the names of the books and their genre to a new post in a blog before the contest!

I am hoping to gather many of their authors for this contest to give out the biggest amount of print books from my blog, yet!!! The more authors that get involved the more winners we will have. There will be games that will get you the book you look for the contest to happen very soon!!!

Have a great day all...

All names are linked back to the author's Facebook or main all can add them if they would like~

Big Hugs~<3