Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why I Dig It~ 8

This blog post really cracks me up!!! I am posting my own free book on my own blog on a day I am posting my why I dig it..LMAO The way I look at it...someone has to share my FREE reads on Amazon and well, who better than the author. Most of my peeps are down and out and it is time to get 'er done while this giveaway last. ; ) What makes it truly funny, is I am one of the only people that reads my blog..LMFAO But, I love my covers and will enjoy scrolling down one of these days and seeing it on here...SO...It will make a great post and this is why I dig todays post....because I can post whatever the hell I want. My books, your books, their just doesn't really matter.

BLOODBREEDERS; Living In Darkness:


 Yep, it looks like a romance...but its not..LOL maybe in the long run, but tis not for the faint of heart! ; ) My vamps are just a wee bit different and most humans just end up on the menu. All are nightwalkers, all need blood...and nine out of ten could care a less about their own kind. That is until they pick on the wrong little country girl...that's when the under world gets turned upside down. Little graphic...lots of character fun in this five book rollcoaster ride. Hang on!!!
I think this will be FREE FREE FREE until the 18th??? Snag it if you want too, and if you like it you may even like book two better. Bloodbreeders The Revenge...soon to be followed by Seeking Others and then Lies Beneath London...But 5 will be under way very soon...well, as soon as I can get a break and take at least a two week getaway. ; )