Friday, March 8, 2013

Ready to WIN an E-book of Arrival of the Prophecy and some CASH????

Yep, I think it's time to give away an e-book of my paranormal romance/werewolf novel: Arrival of the Prophecy...and a $25 Dollar Cash Gift Card. If you live where you do not have a Walmart or Kmart I can send the Winner a Postal money order. It will be up to the winner.

But let's have some fun!!!

Get your pen and paper ready because you'll need to write down a few things before coming back here and leaving your answers in a comment.


1) Follow my Twitter and let me know what follower number you are! I do follow back~

2) Don't have to go far with this one...Join this blog by clicking on the one of the join this site on the right hand side (Great Peeps or Networkblogs) and write down what number your are! If you join this blog and have a blog let me know about your blog and I will follow your blog as well. Now for those of you who already following this blog....You must follow one of my fellow blog follows and write down who it was that you chose to follow.

3)  Hit the LIKE button on Arrival of the Prophecy on Amazon. And let me know what number you are...Or share the Amazon sell page for Arrival of the Prophecy on your Facebook or Google + or your favorite used site. And let me know that site so I can check it out so I can have my judges pick the Winner!!! And I will share that site/page with all of my peeps~

That's it...and yes, this is all about promoting my new release as well as sharing your sites with all who join in. Making new friends and just having fun. And who doesn't like winning a book and CASH???

This contest will run through March 15th.... To find the links just click on Twitter and Arrival of the Prophecy that are in color. Plus the cover will take you to Amazon.

Please leave your information: Email and if you would like, add your Blog as well as your Facebook and Twitter that we may follow you as well~

Have fun and Big Hugs to you all~

P.S. If you love me or even like me a little... PLEASE share this contest with your peeps...I will dance at your wedding, wash your dog, do your dishes, pick up the dog poo in your back name it as long as it doesn't get me into too much trouble..LOL