Monday, April 30, 2012

Thank you all for the Prayers

Just wanted to give a HUGE shout out of thanks to all who spread the word of thoughts and prayers for my grand baby. A.L. McBee, my grand daughter and co-author of 'The Tale of Two Toodlegnomes' had surgery on the 26th and came through it with flying colors and she is doing great!

She will be recovering for two weeks and will be able to go back to school in time to graduate with her class. A. L. is very excited about that being she is the top of her kindergarden class and one of the top readers in the 3rd grade. A.L. is one of the top writers and is the only one in her school to be a published author. She and I have now started book two in the Toodlegnome tale as well as her own little tale called, Cotton Candy Clouds. It is a little story she was telling me about where a little Princess lives on clouds made of cotton candy and in a castle made out of all sorts of candy...that is all threaten by a candy eating monster..LOL That child sure thinks a lot like her grandma. ; )

Look for her release in May with Hellfire Publishing:

Big Hugs and Many Thanks to you all..........