Friday, April 13, 2012

Supporting Each Other

Hi all...I just wanted to say 'Thank you' to all my dear and new friends that shared and posted about my Bloodbreeder special that went on this last week. I had thought several of my fellow authors, close buddies and people that I have just started working with would have been the first to share my excitement. BUT, I could not have been more wrong. To be honest, I think I may have found a handful that posted my special on thier sites...and I am grateful for that. Even the one time touch my heart. However, it was all the new followers and new friends that went out on a limb for me and shared to their friends and it took Bloodbreeders one, down into the #5 Best-Sellers list in Horror on Amazon.

How does one say thank you for sharing when they are just figuring out who some of these people are? I wasn't shocked when I didn't see my special on the pages that I just knew it would be on. But I was blown away when I kept seeing it on people's pages who are not even on my list on any of my sites. That truly rocked my world and I am overly grateful to each and everyone of these people and their pages. My only hope is that I will be able to pay them back with supporting them in the same fashion when I get the chance.

I guess what I am saying is that sharing your fellow author is HUGE and that we should all be doing it. However, some can post for all and never get what they hope for in return??? Do we give up and stop showing that support....absolutely not....I say a person should just go out and start giving their time where it is most needed. If someone is willing to add your business to thier sites, then those are the ones that you should put your time into. AND...That is the very thing that this author is going to start doing.

So once again....THANK YOU! To all who showed me their amazing support when you had no idea who I was. Much love to those who know me well.....Many Blessings to you all with Great Big Hugs~<3

P.S. We get what we give out. Jeanette Miller


  1. True words right from your heart! I couldn't have said it any better myself : )

    Love ya and I am honored and proud to call you one of my best friends <3

  2. That's karma darlin'! You are always so supportive and helpful to everyone around you and you deserve to be shown the same and then some!!! I'm proud of your success and thankful to call you friend. :)

    <3 hugs

  3. Just think how we could flower the world if we all stepped up and shared the important stuff for each other...why we dont all do it, on the most important things, I will never know? Even when some of us make sure that we support others when they have huge news??? It is one way to learn who will back you and who will not. ; )

    I am very proud to call you both my friends...and You Savannah one of my very best friends! You ladies are amazing~

  4. I'm always proud of you for your kindness and generosity, not only as a person but also as an author. If only more people were as thoughtful, my dear.
